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A comment made on Swara Bhaskar regarding her weight gain, the actress’ apt reply left everyone talking.

Arun Sharma

By Arun Sharma

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Swara Bhaskar gave a strong reply Image Credit Source: Social Media

Swara Bhaskar is in news more for her personal life than her professional life. The actress gave birth to her daughter in the year 2023, whom she named Rabia. Swara is active on social media and often shares pictures and videos with her daughter. Recently she shared a story on social media, in which she mentioned a well-known newspaper, which wrote that Swara is no longer getting work due to weight gain. Taking a screenshot of this tweet, Swara has written a long note.

Sharing that tweet on Instagram, Swara wrote, “This newspaper feels that the news should show that a mother who recently gave birth has gained weight. “Can someone explain the physiology of childbirth to them?” The original tweet with Swara’s latest picture said, “Swara not getting work due to her weight gain!”

Swara Bhaskar Comment

Swara Bhaskar

Said this on child rearing

Swara gave an interview to HT City after becoming a mother. In this conversation he said that the year 2023 has been good for him. She got married this year and gave birth to a daughter within 10 months. Until last year, she had no idea that she would marry Fahadh.

With this he said that God gives to everyone whenever he gives. Talking about his daughter’s upbringing, he said, “All children are a reflection of their parents. They grow up with lessons learned from their parents. There will be two types of Iman in Rabia. After his birth there was a discussion in the family and we came to know that Chatthi (i.e. the sixth day after the birth of the child) is common in both Hindu and Muslim religions but they have many things in common. We pay more attention to things that are different from each other but have many things in common.

Arun Sharma

Arun Sharma

I am Arun Sharma, a versatile news writer covering entertainment, sports, and breaking news.

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