The Allahabad High Court has made a strong comment regarding the Gangster Act in Uttar Pradesh. Recently, five persons challenged the preparation of the gang chart in the Allahabad High Court. In the petition, the five had argued that the gang chart was not prepared in accordance with the 2021 rules, hearing which the high court ordered the state government to train officials or send them for a crash course so that they can follow the instructions. Learn to prepare charts.
A double bench of Justice Siddharth Verma and Justice Arun Kumar Singh expressed concern over the application of the Gangster Act on innocent persons and said, “Atrocities against innocents is a grave sin.” The High Court has expressed its displeasure over the preparation of the gang chart without following the procedure of the gangster. The court said that the prescribed procedure of Gangster Act 2021 is not being followed in UP.
Religious texts cited
The Allahabad High Court, citing religious texts, said that the Rigveda, the Bible and the Koran prohibit harassment of innocent people. The High Court also reprimanded the officials for implementing the Gangster Act without following due process. The court also criticized government officials for not preparing a proper gang chart. The court held that the officers were not exercising discretion in preparing the gang chart. Government should train them. The High Court asked the Principal Secretary and Secretary Home to comply with the instructions. The Allahabad High Court has laid emphasis on moral justice.
Quoted from the Bible
The High Court also cited the Bible, saying that the religious text says, “Have nothing to do with false accusations and do not punish an innocent or honest person with death penalty. The petition was filed in the High Court on behalf of Abdul Latif of Mahoba, Hetram of Etawah and Hrithik of Bijnor. The High Court gave these instructions while hearing various criminal petitions. The High Court said that no innocent person should be implicated in a gangster case.