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Shocking incident, eight members of a family were chopped with an axe, the accused was married a week ago

Pratik Mehta

By Pratik Mehta

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The mass murder of 8 members of a family has created a stir. This brutal murder was carried out by a family member. The accused got married just eight days ago. He killed his wife, mother, sister, brother and three children with an axe. Later the accused committed suicide by hanging himself. This heart-wrenching incident took place in Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh. This horrific incident took place in village Bodal Kachhar at around 2.30 am on Wednesday midnight. This village falls under the limits of Mahuljhir police station.

All the victims were sleeping when the accused attacked with an axe. Later they also ended their lives. This incident happened in a tribal family. A large number of police is present at the spot. The entire village has been sealed. People are being investigated. Senior police officers have been sent to reach the spot.

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There is an atmosphere of panic and fear in the entire village. The name of the accused is Dinesh (27). ”The accused’s mental condition was not good for a year. After treatment, he was living a mature life. The same marriage took place on May 21 last week. After marriage, he started having mental problems again. Last night he killed his wife Varsha Bai, elder brother Shravan, wife Barato Bai, mother Siya Bai, Shravan’s three children and younger sister with an axe. All of them were sleeping in the courtyard of the house. At that time the accused did this act. My elder sister had gone out. After seeing this, she tried to snatch the axe from Dinesh. After this Dinesh attacked her grandson. He is injured. After shouting, Dinesh ran away and ended his life by hanging himself, ”said Talvi Singh Patel, uncle of the accused.

Pratik Mehta

Pratik Mehta

I am Pratik Mehta, a passionate business news writer dedicated to covering economic trends, market analysis, and corporate developments.

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