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Explainer: 17 vehicles burnt to ashes simultaneously in Delhi, will a car insurance claim be available in such a situation?

Sagar Patel

By Sagar Patel

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Summer is at its peak. Today no one can say when, where or how a fire will occur. Recently, a big news is emerging from an area of ​​Delhi. Here, due to the extreme heat late at night, a large fire broke out in a parking lot, in which many cars were burned. The incident took place in Madhu Vihar. The fire was so serious that about 17 cars were reduced to ashes simultaneously. In such a situation, the question arises: If your car meets with an accident like a fire while sitting in the parking lot, will you receive a car insurance claim?

Is there an insurance claim available in the event of a fire?

The question that often arises in people’s minds is whether there is an insurance claim available in case the car burns down. The answer is yes. However, there are some conditions for this. There are many rules for filing car insurance claims in accidents such as a fire. In the event of a fire, car insurance claims are settled in the event of an “actual fire.” Cases of short circuit and overheating do not involve a “real fire” and will most likely be ruled out.

To file a claim, you will first need to prove that your car fire did not occur due to an unexpected event, i.e. a mechanical or electrical short circuit. Rather, these are the real reasons why the vehicle caught fire.

When do you not have insurance?

In reality, there can be many reasons why a car catches fire. But if your vehicle catches fire due to an electrical or mechanical fault, during riots or on the road, then you will not be able to take out your insurance. At the same time, overheating of the engine can cause a fire. This can happen when the car is not in good condition. Due to overheating of the engine, the fire can also spread to other parts of the vehicle. If the condition of the engine is bad and a fire breaks out, in such a case you may have difficulty in getting the claim.

When do you get insurance?

Now the question arises: when will you get car fire insurance? If your car is new, under warranty and you have not installed any aftermarket parts, then the car company submits the claim to you without any conditions. At the same time, if the engine catches fire due to the company's mistake, then you can also claim without any problems. You just have to make sure the engine is not in bad condition. You may be eligible to take insurance if your vehicle catches fire due to genuine reasons.

Insurance is available after researching the company.

If the cause of fire in Madhu Vihar is natural, you will get the insurance immediately. At the same time, if the fire occurred due to short circuit or any other reason, the inspector of the insurance company will investigate the cause of the fire and then the process will continue.

How can I claim?

  1. Step 1: Contact your insurer by call, email or website.
  2. Step 2: Share policy details and indicate your intention to file a fire damage auto insurance claim.
  3. Step 3: Submit the necessary documents requested by the insurer.
  4. Step 4: The insurer will appoint an expert to inspect the damaged vehicle. The adjuster will also inspect the car and discover the cause of the damage. Cooperate with the interviewer and answer all questions honestly.
  5. Step 5: The insurer will accept or reject the claim based on the expert's findings. If the claim is accepted, it will be resolved and you will receive the claim amount according to the policy terms. The cost of repairing the car will be paid or the declared insured value of the vehicle will be paid.
  6. The last method of claim will be when the car burns beyond repair. If the claim is rejected, you will also be informed of the reason for the rejection. You can then work on the causes and reapply.

What to do to file an insurance claim in case of fire?

In cases such as a fire, first take photographs of the damaged vehicle and record a short clip. Cover it from all angles as it will help you file a car insurance claim. Inform your car insurance company about the incident as soon as possible and follow the prescribed procedure. Depending on the cause of the fire, the insurance company may demand an FIR and other documents.

Sagar Patel

Sagar Patel

I am Sagar Patel, specializing in business news reporting. With a keen focus on economic trends, market analysis, and corporate developments,

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