Symbolic photo
A shocking case has come to light from Jhunzhunu, Rajasthan. A married woman here has accused an organization of breaking into her house. The woman alleges that a tribal organization declared her unfit to live with her husband and issued a Tughlaki Farman. The institution has written on its letter head that the woman is unfit to live with her husband and therefore she cannot settle down with him.
Adivasi Meena of Jhunjhunu issued a strange order on its letter head to the Meena Seva Sanstha, saying that a woman named Anisha Kanwat was not eligible to live with her husband. Since she cannot settle down with her husband, the institution issues an order that she must live separately from her husband. Surprisingly, in a country where the decision on divorce is not taken immediately, an organization has issued this Tughlaqi Farman.
A dispute arose over the order
Now a controversy has arisen regarding this order. The victim Anisha Kanwat has filed a case against the organization’s district president Virendra Meena and chief general secretary Ramniwas Meena at the Jhunjhunu Kotwali police station. The woman has alleged that she wants to reconcile with her husband but the institute officials are busy demolishing her house. The married woman said that both of them were conspiring with her husband and in-laws to disqualify her.
Tughlaq’s decree issued on letter head
The victim stated that on June 2, 2024, he presented his side in a meeting based on the institution’s letter head. The woman said she wants to settle down with her husband. It is alleged that despite this, Virendra Meena and Ramnivas Meena conspired and on July 7, 2024, in her absence, wrote to her in-laws on her letterpad that she could not reconcile with her husband. The married woman alleges that these people have created an organization of their own free will.
The woman made allegations
The tribal community in Jhunjhunu has no registered association and no member of any elected body. They are working to break the society by taking money and giving Tughlaki orders. The woman has alleged that her side was not even heard before the decision and a one-sided decision was given in favor of her in-laws by taking money arbitrarily. Her in-laws are torturing her based on the institution’s decision. They are pressing for divorce by coming to court. The woman said that her case falls under the jurisdiction of Meena Samaj in Bikaner. He has nothing to do with Jhunjhunu, yet Virendra Meena and Chief General Secretary Ramnivas Meena conspired and ruined his married life. The woman has given a report and demanded action against both.