Bigg Boss fame and Bollywood actress Shehnaaz Gill has been in the headlines for the last few days. Shehnaaz Gill was seen rocking Salman Khan’s film ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’. The interesting thing is that Shehnaaz Gill made her Bollywood debut with this film. It is being said that Shehnaaz Gill also has offers for many Bollywood films. Shehnaaz Gill is very active on social media. Shehnaaz Gill is always seen sharing special pictures and videos for her fans. Shehnaaz Gill got real recognition from the house of Bigg Boss.
The pairing of Shehnaaz Gill and Siddharth Shukla was well liked by the audience. The audience liked this pair very much. Not only this, even after coming out of Bigg Boss, Shehnaaz Gill and Siddharth Shukla were seen dating each other. It was being said that Shehnaaz Gill and Siddharth are going to get married soon. However, suddenly Siddharth Shukla said goodbye to the world.
After Siddharth’s death, Shehnaaz Gill looked completely broken. For the last few days, Shehnaaz Gill’s name is being linked with actor and choreographer Raghav Juyal. It is said that both are dating each other. This or that big hint has been given directly by Salman Khan.
It is being said that Raghav Juyal and Shahnaz Gill are taking special care that they are not seen by the paparazzi. Not only this, both of them are seen roaming separately so that they cannot be spotted together. Along with this, it is also said that when they go out, they go to different hotels to eat.
Raghav Juyal and Shehnaaz Gill have been in the headlines for their relationship for the last few days. However, Raghav Juyal and Shehnaaz Gill have not yet commented on their relationship. However, it is being said that both are in a relationship. Shehnaaz Gill is originally from Punjab. After Bigg Boss, Shehnaaz Gill settled in Mumbai.