Famous actress Deepika Padukone is in the news these days. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are expecting a baby soon. Despite being pregnant, Deepika Padukone is seen promoting her upcoming film. Deepika Padukone’s films are coming in front of the audience one after the other. Deepika Padukone is currently the top actress of Bollywood. Deepika Padukone’s films are making a splash. Deepika’s films always get a lot of love from the audience. Deepika Padukone has a huge fan following on social media.
Deepika Padukone is now seen having a good time in London. Deepika Padukone has reached London with her husband Ranveer Singh. A video of Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh is going viral on social media. In this video, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are seen roaming on the streets of London.
Deepika Padukone is seen walking holding the hand of her husband Ranveer Singh. This video is going viral. The interesting thing is that this time Deepika Padukone is seen in a stunning look. Fans are also seen commenting a lot on this video of Deepika Padukone. Fans liked this video a lot.
After this video, fans are seen asking a question. After watching this video of Deepika Padukone in London, many people said that like Anushka Sharma, is Deepika Padukone also going to give birth to her child in London? With only a few days left for delivery, Deepika Padukone has left for London, in such a situation many people are thinking that Deepika Padukone will give birth to the child in London.
However, neither Deepika Padukone nor Ranveer Singh have commented on this yet. Deepika Padukone’s Kalki 2898 AD is set to hit the screens soon. Deepika was seen promoting this film. A few days ago Anushka Sharma also gave birth to a child. Anushka and Virat have named their son Ake.