The heartbreaking incident in Jamner, Jalgaon shook the whole of Maharashtra. On June 11, a shocking incident took place in Jamner taluka where a 35-year-old man tortured and killed a 6-year-old girl. The accused was absconding for 10 days after the incident. However, the police have arrested the murderer.
A 6-year-old child was tortured and killed. This incident took place in Chinchkheda village of Jamner taluka of Jalgaon. A 35-year-old murderer tortured and killed a 6-year-old girl. Then the situation changed. A complaint of the girl’s disappearance was lodged in the police station. On searching for the missing child, the body was found in a banana field near the village, investigation revealed that the child was tortured and killed.
After 10 days, the police arrested the murderer. After this, the angry mob in the village demanded the custody of the accused. The mob said that we will punish the accused. Even after the police tried to convince them, the mob was not ready to listen and they pelted stones at Jamner police station. Police said that 15 policemen were injured in the stone pelting by the mob.
Eknath Khadse claimed that the accused may have political protection. However, this time Eknath Khadse has also said that throwing stones is wrong. The case of Jamner in Jalgaon shook Jalgaon district as well as Maharashtra. Therefore, there is a demand that strict action should be taken against the accused murderer.