A young man was murdered on Thursday night in Bisauli Kotwali area of Badaun in Uttar Pradesh. After this, his family started cremating him on Friday morning. But in the meantime the police reached there and took the body out of the burning pyre. The police took the body out of the grave and sent it for post-mortem. This created a stir. The audience did not know why the police did this. When the youth’s in-laws lodged a complaint with the police, the police took the body out of the burning pyre.
youth’s family accused
The in-laws of the youth have accused the family of the youth of murder. According to the Badaun police, Brajesh, son of Puran, a resident of Malkhanpur village of the district, was married eight years ago. His father-in-law lives in Naviganj village of Shahabad police station area of Rampur district. Brajesh has three children. Brajesh died under suspicious circumstances at 8 pm on Thursday night. As soon as the news of his death was received, all the relatives reached the village at night. After this, it was decided to perform his last rites on Friday.
allegations against in-laws
Meanwhile, Brajesh’s brother-in-law Prakash accused the youth’s family of murder and there was an uproar. In the morning, when the family was cremating the body, the police entered there. On the allegations of the in-laws, the Kotwali police reached the spot. The body was taken down from the pyre and sent for post-mortem. Now the police is investigating the incident. How Brajesh died will be revealed in the post-mortem report.