The Pune hit and run case was discussed when the government minister called the Pune police. He was asked to make a phone call to put pressure on the police. Today this question was taken up for consideration in the Legislative Assembly. State Home Minister Devendra Fadnavis has responded to this. Or what happened that the minister did not call the police. Devendra Fadnavis has revealed that no minister pressured the police. Lakshyavedi Mandayat would have come to the assembly today on the Pune hit and run incident. At this time, Fadnavis gave this explanation while answering the question raised by the MLA.
Sharad Pawar Gatch MLA Jitendra Awad raised questions related to Pune before Devendra Fadnavis. After the hit and run incident, which minister called the police and announced the boat? Also which ministry or issue will be pressured? Awahad asked such a question. Fadnavis replied to him. None of the ministers called the police. Or the local MLA may have gathered there after the event. The local MLA has given this information. what must have happened? He has explained the reason behind the request. Nor has any minister pressed the matter. Devendra Fadnavis clarified that the call was not as intended.
The entire narrative is set
At this time Congress MLA Nana Patole questioned Fadnavis. Or the issue is whether he drank alcohol or not. But the issue of drugs is more important. More important is the issue of the accused taking alcohol or drugs. Bhabhi joined Lalit Patil’s dance. Or the relationship was formed while establishing Sassoon Hospital. Who is Dr. Tawde? The forensic investigation report is still not available, but you have given a clean chit to the concerned. Or incidents are happening because of drugs. Drugs don’t come to me, I don’t want them. Udy Mohanal is creating false narratives. You are the one with the clarity regarding drugs, Mandvi. Dr. What support would Tawde have received How did Lalit Patil give VIP treatment? Please reply. Doubts are being raised whether there will be drugs in the blood samples of the accused in the hit and run case. Let it be revealed, said Nana Patole.
International racket
Fadnavis answered the questions raised by Patole. If there was no political pressure, such action would not have taken place. Dr. Tawde, Ghatkambale has been suspended. I told you where the Lalit Patil episode started. Then to whom did the commissioner write a letter? How can you ignore it? Hey I already told you. But you politicians should go to Palikad and take the initiative. The drugs of our young generation had begun to work. The cost of medicines in East Bahrain may have gone up a lot. Chemicals and medicines are prepared. They turn to you. Kurkumala factory sealed bananas. Drugs were found from there. 6 thousand kilos of bananas seized. Yes Mal Tithoon Delhi Jacha. Dated food items were sent abroad. Hey you search and find out. Yes, your entire subject is not limited. These practices occur internationally. So the center held a meeting of all the states. He learned strategy. After that he formed committees. Coordination is going on between various states. Fadnavis said that we are taking action through intelligence agencies.