Brother carrying sister’s dead body on shoulder
A heartbreaking picture has emerged from Lakhimpur Kheri in Uttar Pradesh. In a viral video, a flood-affected family is seen carrying the dead body of their sick sister on their shoulders. A burden placed on one’s shoulders may be heavy, but when the same burden is that of one’s own sister’s dead body, it feels heavier than any other burden in the world. We are still seeing this picture of helplessness due to lack of treatment, which is very worrying.
The elder brother of the deceased said that the sister was sick for the last few days, they took her to the doctor but there was no improvement in her health. Two days ago his health started to deteriorate and his sister died. In the video, a brother who could not treat his sister properly due to floods is seen walking quickly with his sister’s body.
The dead body was forced to be carried on foot for 5 kilometers
Elder brother Manoj said that we three brothers and sisters are studying in Palia. Sister Shivani is a 12th standard student. Sister’s health deteriorated 2 days ago in Palia. When she was seen by a doctor, the doctors prescribed tests and during the tests, Shivani was found to have typhoid. Due to which the doctor gave medicine to Shivani and admitted her to the hospital.
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Shivani’s condition started to deteriorate. Here Palia city turned into an island due to rain and all roads were blocked. Due to the rise in the water level of the Sharda river, the communication with the district headquarters was lost. Traffic stopped and we could not get our sister treated properly. Due to which the sister died. Mother is in bad condition and crying. Father Devendra said that the brothers who had to carry their sister’s palanquin on their shoulders are today walking 5 kilometers to their village carrying their sister’s dead body on their shoulders.