In the Lok Sabha elections, the Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi did not form an alliance with the Maha Vikas Aghadi. Therefore, Vanchit had to contest independently. Supporters of the Congress party are criticizing the Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi by calling it the B team of the BJP. Vanchit’s president Prakash Ambedkar has expressed his anger through Twitter. If I am the B team of the BJP, then where is the money? I live in a simple 2 BHK flat in Pune. The information about the Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi and my personal property is in the public domain. Anyone can get it. Time has shown that I have rejected the BJP’s proposal countless times. Those who are alleging that they are the B team of the BJP should come to our party office in Mumbai. Our party office is smaller than your grand modern bathroom. Criticizing, he said that our party runs on donations from the common man.
These days, on social media, Congress supporters accuse me and VBA of being BJP’s B-team.
Am I BJP or B-team? – I am tired of answering the same question again and again.
These caste allegations are a question asked by every Indian Muslim – is…
– Prakash Ambedkar (@Prksh_Ambedkar) 13 June 2024
Every day on social media, Congress supporters accuse me and the Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi of being the BJP’s B team. Am I the BJP’s B team? I am tired of answering the same questions again and again. What is the logic of those accusing the BJP of being the B team? They say that I am the BJP’s B team because I am contesting the elections. These people just say why should I not contest the elections? Is there a bicameral system in India? He openly challenged Congress supporters that if they want a two-party system, they should ask their communal and authoritarian masters to change the Representation of the People Act 1950.
I criticize Congress. But, don’t they see that BJP is criticized the most? Prakash Ambedkar asked this question and said, Phule-Shahu-Ambedkar are in our hearts and thoughts. So on what basis do you accuse me of being a B-team? This caste-based accusation is similar to the question that is asked to every Indian Muslim. Like, are you against terrorism? Congress does not want me to go ahead and win. I will never go with BJP. I had to go alone. No one can do better than us in Maharashtra to save the Constitution and protect the rights of Dalits, Adivasis, OBCs, Muslims. We are not accountable to any boss. We are only responsible to our people. We do not dance to the tune of any doll. We are not anyone’s sycophants. He also replied to Congress that we are independent and we have independent leadership.
If you had voted for us, would we not have stood up to save the Constitution? Think! We started the fight to save the Constitution, not them. If they wanted to save the Constitution, they would not have destroyed it in the first place. BJP and Congress are two sides of the same coin. BJP does not hide its agenda and is openly promoting separatist agenda. Congress hides its real agenda. Hastamukh traps the Bahujans and takes advantage of them. Whenever the Bahujans are cheated, Congress shows its poisonous teeth. Prakash Ambedkar also made venomous criticism that BJP is Nagnath and Congress is Sapnath. My whole life is dedicated to fighting for the political rights of people suffering from racism, discrimination and oppression. Whatever be the result of the election, I will continue to fight. I promise that I will come back. The deprived will return. He also claimed that we will come back.