The Indore bench of the Madhya Pradesh High Court has given a major decision on garlic which will directly benefit many farmers in the state. Due to which farmers are seeing a happy atmosphere. The High Court has clarified that garlic comes under the category of vegetables and not spices. With this clarification, farmers no longer need to visit the agricultural produce market to sell garlic. He can sell his garlic crop directly in the vegetable market.
In fact, this matter is very old, if we talk about the rules, the arrangements for sale of grains, fruits and vegetables are described under the Agricultural Produce Market By-laws Act 1972. Garlic was placed in the category of spices in this list. Due to which the farmers were forced to sell the garlic crop in the farm produce market. In which the farmers had to live till their crops were sold and the produce was sold in the market only under the auction system.
What problems do farmers face?
In 2007, Mukesh Somani, a garlic trader from Mandsaur, appealed to the Agricultural Produce Market Board to allow garlic to be sold in the agricultural produce market. After this, the Potato-Onion Commission Association also entered the fray. While the Potato-Onion Commission Association cited the age-old system, the Mandi Board made the sale of garlic voluntary. This decision was again appealed. It was said that any other spices grown by farmers like garlic will also be appealed to be sold in the vegetable market.
After this appeal, the market administration got confused and ordered to buy garlic from the agricultural produce market itself. After which the lawyer of Potato-Onion Commission Association Ajay Bagdia reached the High Court.
Why are farmers happy?
Farmers say that there are many hurdles in transporting and selling garlic in the produce market. According to farmers, they have to live by taking grain in the market. After this, the market brokers send the money to their account after 2 days. At the same time, market traders arrange food and drink for the farmers. Until their goods are sold. Prices of agricultural produce are determined in the market itself. Crops have to be sold accordingly.