In Uttar Pradesh’s Bulandshahr district, a Muslim youth found it difficult to shower flowers on Kanwariyas. People from his own community have threatened to throw the youth out of the village, burn him alive and throw him in the village canal. Not only this, the image of the youth has been posted at mosques in the city with a cross mark on the photo to tarnish it, which is fast going viral on social media. The youth’s life is in danger after this incident. Meanwhile, the police have arrested an accused in this case based on the complaint of the youth.
The victim is identified as Qari Abdullah, a resident of Village Vaith, Police Station Simboli, District Hapur. On 30 July, Qari Abdullah welcomed them by showering flowers on the Kanwariyas at the Saina Canal checkpoint in Bulandshahr. A video of Qari Abdullah welcoming Kawad pilgrims was made by some people of Kasba Sayana. Later these same people made this video viral on social media with false and false claims to defame Qari Abdullah.
Fatwa against Qari Abdullah’s wife
After this video went viral, the young man Qari Abdullah was very scared. Anti-social people have also started making obscene accusations against his wife. These people have also issued a fatwa against Kari’s wife to end relations with her. Apart from this, efforts are being made by the people of the village to convert his wife and entire family out of the Muslim religion. The victim, Qari Abdullah, has filed a police complaint and said that Farooq Mewati, Parun Mewati, Bilal and Mehboob Chaudhary have threatened to malign my image and kill me.
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Showering flowers was a heavy burden on the Kanwariyas
Young Qari Abdullah said these people tarnished his image. It has also caused me a lot of trouble mentally. Along with this, these people have also tried to spread communalism. After the whole incident, the lives of Kari and her family are in danger. Kari has filed a complaint against four people at Saina police station.
What did SP Shlok Kumar say?
SP Shlok Kumar said that his own community and villagers threatened to throw the youth out of the village, burn him alive and throw him in the village canal. The picture of the young man was posted on mosques in the city with a cross mark on the photo to tarnish it and went viral on social media. SP Shlok Kumar said that one accused has been arrested in this case, action is being taken against the remaining three.