A horrific road accident took place in Uttar Pradesh’s Unnao district on Wednesday morning. A double decker bus going from Sheohar in Bihar to Delhi collided with a milk tanker in Bangarmau area. In this accident, 18 passengers died on the spot, while 19 passengers were seriously injured. The injured have been admitted to different hospitals, where they are undergoing treatment. Now there has been a big revelation about the bus that was the victim of this accident.
When the investigation started, a lot of information about the accident victim bus, which had departed to a fake address, had been plying on the road for a long time. How were these types of buses allowed to ply on the road? This question is being raised. Apart from this, the lack of adequate checking of buses also shows that there is no mechanism to prevent ‘death’ at the transport level.
Unnao ARTO gave the information
The bus that met with the accident in Unnao is registered in the name of a farmer from Mahoba district. The address registered in the bus documents was also fake. The bus does not even have a permit or insurance. Unnao ARTO Arvind Kumar said that the documents of the bus are not valid, like fitness, insurance etc. The bus is registered in the name of a farmer from Mahoba. Let us tell you that in 2018, a bus going from Muzaffarpur to Delhi overturned and caught fire. 27 passengers were burnt in the fire. Even then, fake bus operations were exposed.
Operation of passenger buses on tourist permit
Till date fake buses running like this have not been stopped. Passenger buses are being operated indiscriminately on tourist permits. Buses are coming easily from one state to another, but they are neither inspected nor sealed. When an accident occurs, those responsible are alerted and immediately start an investigation. If we look at the bus accident that happened today, this bus is registered in the name of a farmer from Mahoba district of UP and it is being run from Shivhar district of Bihar to Delhi.
Why are long distance buses not inspected?
Chandan Jaiswal of Delhi was driving the bus that had the accident. He runs a bus from Paharganj. During the inspection of the bus, the permit and insurance were also found to be missing. In such a situation, the question is that why these long distance buses were not checked? It is also being claimed that the bus number issued is not of the bus but of the loader. It takes 19 to 24 hours to reach Delhi from Shivhar and Sitamarhi in Bihar. These buses do not have multiple drivers. Due to which drivers get very tired. Sometimes they fall asleep while driving the bus and thus become victims of bus accidents.
Unnao police gave information about the accident
Regarding the accident, the Unnao police said that at around 5.15 am, a double-decker bus (UP95 T 4729) traveling from Bihar to Delhi hit a milk tanker from behind on the Agra-Lucknow Expressway under Behta Mujawar police station. In which 18 people died and 19 people were injured. On receiving information about the incident, the police immediately reached the spot and all the injured were evacuated and admitted to CHC Bangarmau for treatment, from where all were admitted to District Hospital in Unnao for better treatment, from where five seriously injured were referred to Lucknow. went and took possession of the bodies and sent them for post-mortem.