Unique Primary School in Ujjain
Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh is known as a smart city. But till date primary schools here have not become smart. There is one primary school where several complaints were made to the higher authorities about the poor condition, but the principal and teachers of the school only assured to solve the problem. The situation has become such that since last 10 years the problem has persisted here and there is no one to solve it.
Kushabhau Thackeray Primary School in Jawahar Nagar in Nanakheda area of ​​Ujjain conducts classes 1 to 5. As many as 65 students study in this school but if we talk about the school building, instead of a proper classroom, there is a 10 by 10 room which is used to keep school materials. Apart from this, the first and second classes are held in this room.
Classes are held at the edge of the drain
Although today’s schools have many modern facilities, these schools also lack basic facilities for children. According to the information, the children of class 1 and 2 study in the school in a room of 10 by 10, while the rest of the children of class 3 to 5 study outside the school by sitting under a tree on the banks of the canal. school
There is a problem with rain
Schools are organized in these open places even during winter months but the biggest problem is during rainy and summer season. The situation is such that classes have to be closed on rainy days, which has a negative impact on children’s education. On rainy days only older children are taught. This school Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Located close to Mohan Yadav’s assembly constituency. Despite the chief minister’s assembly constituency, the departmental officers are getting frustrated with their responsibilities.
Teachers also have problems
When Niharika Kothari, the teacher of the school was spoken to about this primary school being run under a tree, she said that we are tired of complaining about this to the responsible people. Apart from having no study room in the school, there is also no toilet facility here. We teachers and students face many problems due to lack of toilets.
I only get assurances
The teacher said that the condition of the school has been the same for the last 10 years. The work on the new building started but the police department raised objections. The school education department started the work without inspecting the land, so the work had to be stopped. No one cared much after this. Although officials have assured that the construction of the new building will be started soon, no one knows when the building will be constructed and when it will be ready.