Even after the Lok Sabha elections, the discussion of North West Mumbai Lok Sabha constituency is still going on. Or Ravindra Vaikar, who won the election and won the constituency, Shinde and Gatch won the election. Thackeray was defeated by Amol Kirtikar. Amol was defeated in a very narrow election. So the Thackeray group is questioning the role of EVM machines and election officials. Thackeray has hinted at settling the matter or taking it to court. When Chief Minister Eknath Shinde would have scolded Thackeray with Kalach or Nikala. However, after Shinde Gatta, leader Gajanan Kirtikar created a stir by expressing doubts about the victory of his party’s MP. Hence the tension between the Chief Ministers is said to be increasing.
Gajanan Kirthikar interacted with the media. At this time he expressed his doubts. A few things were questionable in the voting process. Collector of Mumbai North West Lok Sabha Constituency named Vandana Suryavanshi as ARO. What is the background of Vandana Suryavanshi? He is a suspicious person. There are allegations of corruption against him. Suspicious action has been taken by them. Gajanan Kirtikar has said that he will have to explain himself in court.
Big mistake of the collector
Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, the Election Commission has given some criteria to the Collector. But naming Vandana as Suryavanshi or corrupt officer is a big mistake of the collector. When it comes to the Election Commission, they have to be praised, it goes without saying that accepting the court’s decision comes at a price. I will accept it, said Gajanan Kirthikar.
Assembly will not fight
He was reacting to the statement of Shinde Gatach leader Ramdas Kadam. I will not dwell on the thoughts and ideas of Ramdas Kadam. I am with Eknath Shinden. will face the Assembly. The election campaign ring will begin. But he made it clear that he will not contest the assembly elections.
Dropped that idea
Shiv Sena’s 58th Anniversary Day. I have been in Shiv Sena for 58 years. I am not angry with anyone. When the Shiv Sena came to stay with the Congress, he left Balasaheb’s ideas. You don’t know how to take moral action from them?, I didn’t want to call after asking such a question. He made it clear that I was not going to go into detail about what charges he took.