A day after Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann’s announcement on increasing greenery in Punjab, DGP Gaurav Yadav planted a bottle palm tree at the police headquarters. He started a tree plantation campaign in the state with the slogan “Let’s plant trees, save the earth”. The initiative aims to fight global warming and improve the environment. DGP Gaurav Yadav said that thousands of saplings of different varieties including bottle palm, malsari, amaltas, teak, traminelia arjuna will be planted in all police districts/units under this campaign launched by Punjab Police.
During this time, the DGP appealed to the people of Punjab to come forward in this campaign and plant saplings. He said that the people of the state should be involved as much as possible and make it a success. During this period, around 25 saplings of various species were planted at the Punjab Police Headquarters.
High officials participated
Meanwhile, DGP Punjab then Special DGP Community Affairs Division (CAD) Gurpreet Kaur Dev, Special DGP Human Resource Development (HRD) Ishwar Singh, Special DGP Railway Shashi P Divedi, Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Dr Naresh Kumar Arora, Ram Singh , SS Srivastava, B Chandra Shekhar, G Nageshwar Rao, LK Yadav and Mohnish Chawla and Inspector General of Police (IGP) Headquarters Sukhchain Singh Gill also planted trees.
An appeal to plant and take care of saplings in all districts
The DGP directed all concerned officials to ensure proper and proper care of all plants planted in their respective districts/units. Let it be said that apart from all the CP/SSPs of 8 police districts, heads of all units including Railway, Commando Battalion, PAP Battalion, IRB Battalion and Intelligence Wing also planted trees in their respective districts.