Bollywood’s ‘Dabangg’ heroine Sonakshi Sinha and actor Zaheer Iqbal have finally tied the knot today. Both of them have done a court marriage. Since both of them belong to different religions, both of them have opted for a registered marriage.
Sonakshi and Zaheer’s love affair was the talk of the town for many days. Eventually, their love turned into a husband-wife relationship. Sonakshi has shared her wedding photos on her official Facebook account.
Sonakshi has written something along with the pictures shared. This has been expressed through this. Through this, she has given a way to her feelings. She is happy. She has told about her love journey.
“On this day, seven years ago on June 23, 2017, we saw pure love in each other’s eyes, and we were determined to cherish it. Today, that love has guided us through all the challenges and successes. It has led us to this moment, where with the blessings of both our families and both our Gods, we are now husband and wife,” Sonakshi said in her Facebook post. “Here’s to love, hope and every beautiful thing life has to offer with each other from now on,” Sonakshi added.
The interesting thing is that in this photo, Sonakshi’s father and famous Bollywood actor Shatrughan Sinha is also seen with her. The special thing about this marriage is that both of them got married under the Special Marriage Act. In such a situation, both of them will not need to change their religion.