UP Police is often in the limelight due to its exploits. The latest case is that of Dhaka police station in Rampur district. Here a Dalit youth was brutally beaten by the police. It is alleged that the Dalit youth became unconscious after being beaten by the police. When he regained consciousness, the soldiers also pressed his legs. As the video of the brutality on the youth went viral on social media, Dalit organizations protested and reached the CO office. Here he had an altercation with the CO. Seeing the seriousness of the matter, SP Vidya Sagar Mishra has suspended SI Ashok Kumar, Head Constable Jaydev and Amit Kumar in charge of Dhaka police station with immediate effect. A case has also been registered against these two accused constables.
The case is from Dhakia police post area of Shahabad police station area. Rishipal Jatav, who lives in Bhanwarki Jadid village here, had a quarrel with his wife last Saturday. The wife complained about this to the police station. After the complaint, two constables of the police station, Jaydev and Amit Kumar, reached Rishipal’s house and picked him up from the house and brought him to the police station. It is alleged that here the two constables first beat him badly with sticks. Then caste based terms were used. Rishipal became unconscious due to the beating. When he regained consciousness, the two soldiers took him to their room. Here both of them pressed his feet.
Dalit organizations clashed with the CO
After being released from the post, the victim Rishipal reached his home in the morning and showed his wife the injury. The wife made a video of the injury. After some time this incident spread like wildfire in the village. People took the video of Rishipal’s wife and made it viral on social media. After seeing the video, outrage was seen in the Dalit organization. BSP leader Surendra Sagar and people from other Dalit organizations came to meet the CO on the issue of beating Rishipal. He also had an altercation with the CO while interrogating the victim Rishipal in the office.
The SP suspended both the constables including the post in-charge
The victim’s family alleged that the constable was friends with a person living in the village, while the person did not meet Rishipal. It is alleged that when the constables took Rishipal to the post, the man called the constables, after which the constables brutally beat him and also crushed his legs. Currently, SP Vidya Sagar Mishra has suspended the in-charge SI Ashok Kumar, Head Constable Jaydev and Amit Kumar of Dhakia Police Station, considering the seriousness of the matter. A case has also been registered against both the accused constables.