Not just Bullet, Vande Bharat is also set to gain momentum on the global track. Government-owned BEML Ltd estimates that in the near future, along with defence, railway and metro sectors will contribute the most to its revenue. The company is trying to secure export orders for Vande Bharat and Metro trains in the coming years.
This is the company’s plan
BEML Chairman Shantanu Roy told The Times in an interview that the priority is to get indigenous Vande Bharat trains up and running first, but next year we will try to expect something on the export front. BEML is currently manufacturing the first prototype of the Vande Bharat sleeper train for Indian Railways, which is expected to go into operation in the next few months. BEML told the financial daily that it aims to accelerate the Make in India initiative and is currently exploring opportunities for rail and metro exports to the Middle East, South America and the ASEAN region.
What does Roy say?
Roy said BEML’s ultimate goal is to increase exports from the current 4% to about 10% of its top line. To expedite growth, BEML has reorganised its operations this financial year, focusing on three key areas. That is mining and construction, defence, railways and metro. The company has created 11 strategic business units (SBUs) in these regions, each of which will be headed by a managing director, who will have greater decision-making power and better control over operations.
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Profit obtained in the June quarter
BEML’s consolidated net loss narrowed to Rs 70 crore for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, while the company achieved a 10% growth in revenue. On the revenue side, Roy said the performance last year was much better than the previous years. He said that this year we have achieved a 100 basis point increase in EBITDA growth to 13%. We are targeting to achieve 16-17% in the near future. BEML is optimistic about its future prospects and is working towards achieving its targets in the railway, metro and defence sectors.