After the defeat in the Lok Sabha elections, there has been a lot of commotion in the BJP. After the meeting in Delhi, the BJP will hold an important meeting in Mumbai today. Sources said that in this meeting, while considering the defeat in the Lok Sabha elections, a plan will also be made to face the assembly elections. Two important leaders from the center have also come for this meeting. There will be deliberations, brainstorming and discussions throughout the day in the regional office. After this meeting, there will be a two-day Chintan meeting of the BJP in July.
This meeting will be held at the BJP regional office in Mumbai. BJP’s central leaders Bhupendra Yadav and Ashwini Vaishnav are present in this meeting. Bhupendra Yadav will be present as the election in-charge and Vaishnav as the election co-in-charge. All the big leaders of BJP are gathered at the regional office. The meeting will start shortly. A total of 21 important members from across the state will attend this meeting.
Senior BJP leaders at the state office
BJP in-charge Jaibhan Singh Pawaiya, co-in-charge Shyam Dhurve and National Integration Minister Shiv Prakash are also present. BJP state president Chandrashekhar Bawankule, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, Mumbai BJP president Ashish Shelar, Pankaja Munde, Raosaheb Danve, Chandrakant Patil, Sudhir Mungantiwar, Minister Atul Save, MP Dhananjay Mahadik, BJP leader Ganesh Naik, MLA Shrikant Bhartiya and other BJP core committee leaders attended the meeting.
Will responsibilities be distributed?
Elections will be the agenda in today’s meeting. The defeat in the Lok Sabha elections will be discussed. Along with this, the strategy for the assembly elections will also be decided. It is being said that orders will be given to start work from today. Apart from this, five seats of the Legislative Council will also be discussed in this meeting and names will be decided for these seats. Some of the defeated candidates will be given very important responsibilities.
It is also being said that all the senior leaders will be given responsibilities according to the assembly elections. It is being told that the party’s complaints will also be discussed. Sources said that the meeting will also discuss on which seats the allies did not cooperate in the Lok Sabha elections. Apart from this, it is being said that the central leadership of BJP is now keeping a close eye on the performance of Maharashtra BJP.
Thought of spending two days in Pune too
Meanwhile, in the backdrop of the assembly elections, an important meeting of BJP is going to be held in Pune. This meeting will be held on 13th and 14th July. This meeting will be held by senior BJP leader Amit Shah himself. In this two-day meeting, there will be a dialogue with the regional officials on 13th July. After listening to them, a program will be given to them. After this, an extended working committee meeting will be held on 14th July. This time 4 thousand officials have been invited.