Rimi Sen, who made her mark by working in films with Salman Khan, Ajay Devgan and many other big stars, has once again come into the limelight. This time Rimi Sen is in the limelight because of an FIR. Rimi Sen recently lodged an FIR against a car company. Along with this, he has also demanded 50 crore rupees from the company.
The collision with Rimi Sen’s car in the year 2022 has now become a heavy burden for the car company. Indeed, on August 25, 2022, Rimi Sen’s car hit a pillar. Stating the reason for this, Rimi said in the complaint that the rear camera of his car was faulty. As it did not work properly, he complained about his car to the company where nothing was done about it.
50 crore fine demanded
While issuing notices against Navneet Motors, Jaguar Land Rover and Satish Motors, Rimi said that despite complaining, nothing was done by the company and he was also mistreated. Despite this behavior of the company, Rimi sent his car back for servicing. His car went for servicing about 10 times, but still it was not repaired properly. In her complaint, Rimi has sought a penalty of Rs 50 crore for mental harassment by the company. Not only this, apart from this he has also demanded a separate amount of Rs 10 lakh for legal expenses.
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Carelessness can cost someone’s life
Rimi said in his complaint that my car hit a pillar, there could have been a man in his place and he could have lost his life, this is negligence of the company. Rimi said that he is very saddened by this behavior of the car company. These people have the worst attitude towards customers. A company’s negligence may cause death or an accident. If so it will not be compensated by any compensation. Recently, while talking to ETimes, Rimi said that she is handling the case along with her lawyer.
Last seen in ‘Bigg Boss’
Rimi Sen made her debut with Hungama in 2003, after which she appeared in films like ‘Bagbaan’, ‘Dhoom’, ‘Garam Masala’, ‘Kyunki’, ‘Phir Hera Pheri’ and has also been a part of ‘Boss’. Rimi became a part of Bigg Boss 9 in 2015. In a conversation with Navbharat Times, he said that he was offered Rs 2 crore for 7 weeks on the show.
Summary- Rimi Sen, upset with the behavior of the car company, has filed an FIR against them. Rimi says that people in the company treated her badly and ignored her problems. Rimi has visited the company several times for car problems.