stree 2 live update
Starring Shraddha Kapoor, Rajkumar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurana and Abhishek Banerjee, Stree 2 is releasing on Wednesday. It was initially slated to release on August 15, but due to clashes, the makers decided to release it a day earlier. Stree 2 is the sequel to the 2018 hit film Stree. In the first film, the woman was shown as a ghost, but this time the second part will show the terror of Sarkate.
The first part of Stree 2 only collected around Rs. 130 crore earned a bumper. The worldwide earnings of the film reached 182 crore rupees. The special thing is that this film, which was released 6 years ago, was made with a budget of only 30 crore rupees. Like the first part of Stree, the second part is also directed by Amar Kaushik. Stree is the highest grossing film in the horror comedy genre.
Advance booking strongly
Advance bookings of Shraddha Kapoor’s Stree 2 have been phenomenal. By Wednesday evening itself, tickets worth more than Rs 14 crore were booked in advance only. Stree 2 is clashing with Akshay Kumar’s multi-starrer Khel Khel and John Abraham-Sharwari Vaghni Veda. However, all trade experts and advance booking figures are saying that Stree 2 is a bumper earner.