Shatrughan Sinha’s daughter and Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha has been in the headlines for the last few days. Sonakshi Sinha married actor Zaheer Iqbal on 23 June 2024. The marriage was done through civil marriage. After this a big party was organized. Many Bollywood actors attended this party. Interestingly, during this time Sonakshi Sinha was seen having fun with Zaheer Iqbal. Not only this, Sonakshi Sinha also did a special dance at her own wedding party. Salman, Anil Kapoor were also present in this party.
It has been six days since Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal got married. A video is going viral on social media. After watching this video, it seems that it is being discussed intensely. After watching this video, many people say that Sonakshi Sinha is pregnant. Recently, Sonakshi and Zaheer Iqbal reached Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai.
After this, the discussion started that Sonakshi Sinha is going to give birth to a child soon. Many people commented on this video and said, Zaheer Bhai, this is what was expected from you. Another wrote, “Congratulations to Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal. A third wrote, ‘Medical test, even if Sonakshi is not pregnant, it is definitely good news.’
Another wrote, ‘Oh, the baby is coming, so all the wedding preparations are being done without telling the father.’ Just five days after the wedding, Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal reached the hospital, which is giving rise to all kinds of discussions. Alia Bhatt also announced her pregnancy just a few days after her marriage to Ranbir Kapoor.
Now it is being said that Sonakshi Sinha will also announce her pregnancy soon. However, Sonakshi Sinha has not yet made any comment about the pregnancy. However, the video of the ruckus in the hospital is seen going viral. Sonakshi Sinha is very active on social media. Sonakshi Sinha is seen sharing special pictures and videos for her fans.