Police have registered an FIR against two youths in connection with the suicide of two girls in Uttar Pradesh’s Farrukhabad. Among the youths against whom the police have registered a case and taken action, one youth is a resident of the same village and the other is from another village, but both are acquaintances. A case of incitement to suicide has been registered against both. The family members have accused the two youths that the two youths of their friends were forcing them to talk.
According to information, on August 27, the bodies of two friends were found hanging from a tree outside a village in Kayamganj police station area of ​​Farrukhabad. After the death of these two friends, there was a stir in the entire area. According to the family members, both the friends had left home in the evening to watch the Janmashtami programme. The program ended around 1 am but both the girls did not reach home. Both the girls are aged 15 and 18 years.
A dead body was found hanging outside the village
The next morning, the family learned that their daughters’ bodies were hanging from a tree outside the village. The entire village reached the spot and informed the police. The police recovered the bodies of both the girls from the tree. After removing it from the tree, the police sent it for post-mortem. After postmortem, the bodies of the girls were handed over to their families. The family refused to perform the last rites. The family members demanded to call the DM and SP.
The family gave the names of the accused
After the arrival of DM and SP, the family members expressed fear of murder of both the girls. However, according to the police, no marks of assault were found on the bodies of both the girls. The rest of the information will be known after the PM report. SP and DM also explained to the family members and performed the last rites. The family members told the police that Deepak’s son Shivdayal and Pawan’s son Sanchallal used to torture the girls to talk.
When the police investigated the two, it was found that the SIM cards of the mobile phones of both the friends were in the name of the accused named Deepak. The police have registered a case of incitement to suicide against both and arrested them. The police are currently busy interrogating the accused. There may be a big revelation in this matter soon.
Report:- Sivakumar Mishra/Farrukhabad