Senior BJP leader Suryakant Patil joined Sharad Pawar’s party NCP and in the same party entry ceremony, Sharad Pawar made a statement that will create a stir in Ajit Pawar’s party NCP. Those colleagues who will help the party, I have no problem in returning. But I will not do it at all. Sharad Pawar has said that we will take a decision only after discussing with our party colleagues. Now the question is how many and which MLAs from Ajit Pawar’s party NCP will return to Sharad Pawar? Narhari Jhirwal says that he will stay with Dada. Senior BJP leader Suryakant Patal has also indicated more coming by saying that many people want to return as soon as Sharad Pawar joins NCP. Sunil Tatkare, state president of Dada’s Nationalist Party, has said that the MLAs who came with Ajit Pawar will stay with Dada and no one will go anywhere.
Sharad Pawar said that he will decide who to take, absolutely not. MLA Rohit Pawar has gone ahead and made a sensational claim. Rohit Pawar has said that many MLAs plan to take development funds in the session and return after the session. Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Shirsat has hit back at this. Sanjay Shirsat has warned Rohit Pawar that Rohit Pawar leaves news according to the weather forecast.
So far, Nilesh Lanka has returned from Ajit Pawar to Sharad Pawar and has also become an MP directly from Sharad Pawar’s NCP. Now the session will begin in 2 days. Ajit Pawar is the Finance Minister. Therefore, Dada’s MLAs are expecting more funds. Of course, Rohit Pawar thinks that after taking the funds, they will come to us. So when the session ends on July 12, will the MLAs stay with Dada or return to Sharad Pawar? We will see.