On Friday, Finance Minister Ajit Pawar presented the supplementary budget of the state. It rained heavily. The opposition criticized it as election slogans about the course or the budget. In Kolhapur, senior leader Sharad Pawar commented on the budget. Deposit Rs. 70 or Rs. How will 100 spend? Sharad Pawarani made such a sarcasm. Yes budget means full of words, said the press conference.
Budget only vocabulary Fullora
Sharad Pawar said that such things will not be true in the budget. If we look at the revenue breakdown, the one-time requirement or the three-item figures, it appears that there is a provision that is far below expectations. If you look at it in a way, the budget scares people in a way, it is like showing the Tola Pavarani Lagwala. I’m sure people said they didn’t trust Yavar. He expressed doubt as to how the assembly elections would play out the way they had been thrown before his eyes or the way things were planned.
This is also a contract
He asked a question that how can someone spend 100 rupees on a small thing and how can I spend 70 rupees on it. They collect toll from you. How much will be spent on customs duty, how will we fill the gap of excess expenditure, I don’t want to tell what to do or I don’t have any point in Farsa, he said. He commented on the budget and the budget.
Amchi Aghadi Hach our face
Sanjay Raut said that it would be dangerous for the Mahavikas Aghadi to be faceless in the assembly elections and the name of Uddhav Thackeray as Chief Minister would be a disaster. Sharad Pawar said that Amaechi Aghadi is our face. Not a single person or all the Aghadi leaders said that the decisions were taken collectively. He said that they will sit together and discuss in the face of the Chief Minister.
No decision yet
Last year there was a split in the Nationalist Congress. Many MLAs joined the grand alliance led by Ajitdada Pawar. Many of these MLAs are preparing to resign. On this Sharad Pawar came to mind. State President Jayant Patil Ghetil said that a decision will be taken in this matter. Journalists must have known the names of MLAs like Sanghvi, they resorted to such force.
Modi’s meeting
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Legislative Assembly just like the Lok Sabha and he also played the same role. Lok Sabha got 48 seats, Mahavikas Aghadila got 31 seats. At which places did Modi hold meetings? Mahavikas Aghadi got fame there. Therefore, Assembly Speaker Modi held more meetings. Mahavikas Aghadi will be of great benefit, he thought.