symbolic picture.
A sensational case has come to light in Uttar Pradesh’s Gorakhpur. Here, the parents of a girl complained to the police that their daughter was possessed by a ghost in the evening. He starts behaving strangely. Not only this, he also vandalizes household items. Even on the advice of the police, when the family took the girl to BRD Medical College, the matter turned out to be different.
The girl’s family, who lives in the Belghat police station area, told the police that they were very troubled for the last eight months. As evening approaches, the girl is possessed by a ghost. He starts throwing household utensils. It also punctures the tires of vehicles parked around the house.
The family told the police
The family told the police that the daughter was possessed by a ghost. My daughter is very troubled by ghostly influence. It has become very weak. We are facing a lot of trouble due to ghosts. We also cannot sleep peacefully at home. As the night deepens, strange noises start coming from inside the house. We did not leave any tantrics in the area who could perform exorcisms, but to no avail.
Hearing all this, the police station advised the girl’s family to take her to the psychiatric department of the medical college. The girl’s family took her to a medical college. When the doctors of the psychiatric department started talking to the girl and her family, they came to know that apart from her parents, the girl also has a brother in her family. This family comes from Muslim community.
Family members said that the girl’s brother had fallen in love with a relative’s girl and family members agreed to marry her on her wish. The girl also revealed that she is also in love with the girl’s brother whom her brother will marry. Get me married to the same boy, but my family objected. This incident happened eight months ago.
The girl is deeply traumatized
After this incident, the daughter began to fall ill and the influence of the ghost began to appear, but the doctor said that the girl was very shocked when the family members refused to marry the boy of her choice. That is why she is behaving inappropriately.
Regarding this, Dr. Amil Hayat Khan, Associate Professor of BRD Medical College, said that since family members refused to marry the girl to the boy of her choice, she is in deep shock. This disease is called dissociation. Due to which the patient starts getting cramps in the body. The mind is filled with all kinds of thoughts. In such a condition, the patient starts to enjoy doing some odd activities.
Dr Amil Hayat said any patient should be referred to psychiatry as soon as such symptoms appear. Treatment of the girl has been started. They are also being counselled. Slowly everything will get better. It is not appropriate to talk about ghosts nowadays.