The police of East Delhi’s Shakarpur police station have arrested Akshay, the owner of Black Mirror Cafe and the girl who cheated people through dating app (Tinder). The victim boy complained to the police that he befriended a woman named Varsha through a dating app. Varsha called the young man to meet him at Black Mirror Cafe located on Vikas Marg. where they had breakfast after which the girl left the cafe unannounced citing family issues.
After the girl left, the manager of the cafe presented a bill of 1 lakh 22 thousand rupees. When the boy said the bill was high, the cafe people forced the boy to pay the bill and made him sit there. Due to fear, the boy paid the bill amount online. After this he realized how big a fraud he had committed.
The victim boy complained about this entire incident to the police of Shakarpur police station. After which the police have registered a case under several serious sections and started investigating the matter. The police arrested Akshay, the owner of Black Mirror Cafe. Akshay during police interrogation said that he cheats people through Tinder app. On Akshay’s tip, the police arrested the woman from a cafe in Krishna Nagar when she was sitting in the cafe with a boy from Mumbai. The girls have been identified as Varsha alias Afsan Parveen alias Ayesha alias Noor and Akshay Pahwa.
The accused girl lives in Delhi’s Krishna Nagar and first lures innocent boys through the Tinder app and then cheats them. During the police interrogation, the girl has revealed that many people are involved in her gang. People who cheat. The girl gets 15% of the fraud money and the organizer gets 45%. The remaining 40% is given to the cafe owner. The accused woman said that she takes people to cafes to cheat them through dating apps and takes huge amounts of money from people in the name of food and drink. Their black business is running in Delhi NCR as well as major cities like Mumbai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad.