The issue of drugs in Pune city has been in the Changlech Gazette for the past few months. Drug smuggler Lalit Patil, who was in Yerwada Jail, ran a drugs racket while staying at Ha Sassoon Hospital. After that, stories like pubs and drug parties may have started going viral on social media. Two days ago, a video of a minor boy taking drugs in a pub on Punyatil Ferguson Road went viral on social media. There was confusion after this incident. A ruckus broke out between the protesting Pune police and the government. A lot of shocking information has come out in this case. An event manager may have been appointed for that party. Also, pubs that closed at midnight may have reopened for the party.
Drug parties, garage drivers, Chinese car drivers
New information has come to light in the police investigation in the Pune hotel drugs case. It will be drug parties, garage drivers and Chinese car drivers participants. The party was organized by Punyat Event Manager. A group drugs party of 40 to 50 people was organized at Punyatil Liquid Laser Lounge Hotel on Sunday from midnight to 5 am. After investigation by the police in this case, it was found that the garage driver, Chinese center driver and servants working in private companies who were participating in the party were involved.
Party by Event Manager
A wedding or party may have been organized by an event manager. The party participants had no identity cards. He was not examined orally. A case of supplying liquor to him even though he does not have a liquor license has also come up. Or Tolakyan spent 80 to 85 thousand rupees in cash and online format in a three and a half hour party.
This is also a contract
Those people are always having parties
Tarun Punyathil, who participated in the party, is a resident of different areas. They hold parties at night in various bars and pubs. Initially, they used to party till one o’clock in the night in a club or hotel in the Hadapsar campus. The police also registered his night patrols. But event manager Akshay Kamath and DJ driver Dinesh Mankar called the pub owner and said they wanted to organize a group night party and were ready to pay. Accordingly, the closed pub reopened.
The beginning of all inquiries
Pune Police has started investigation of people who participated in the party. An investigation has been launched into all those who attended the party that night. Akshay Kamath, who organized the party, may have transferred the money online for the party. Pune Police will answer all queries. The answer will reveal many things.
Video of 3 repetitive actions against l
The video of the action taken by the State Excise Department three times has come to light. The video of the accused being caught after seizing the goods has gone viral. The State Excise Department is responsible for sealing the hotels concerned. Also, 241 liters of foreign liquor has been seized from the production department of the state.