Shivangi Menon with mother Ipsita and father Bipin Menon.
24 December 1999… a dark day in India’s history, which no one wants to remember. The Indian plane was hijacked from Kathmandu and flown to Kandahar, Afghanistan. Indian Airlines flight IC-814 was scheduled to land in Delhi. The hijacked plane was carrying 26 newlyweds, including a Menon couple. After the series came out, his memories were rekindled once again.
His story was also featured by National Geographic. Now his daughter Shivangi Menon is ready to become a pilot and face any trouble that may come in India. The TV9 Digital team spoke to Shivangi Menon, who shared how she felt when she first learned about her parents’ story.
Shivangi said, ‘I was shocked
At that time, 24-year-old Ipsita and 28-year-old Bipin Menon, both residents of Delhi, were newly married. Both were returning from their honeymoon from Kathmandu. Both were waiting for the plane, saving their honeymoon memories in photos. A gentleman was sitting in front, asked him the time. The gentleman also told the time. He later turned out to be a terrorist, known to all as Burger.
Shivangi told us in an interview that she was only five years old when she heard her parents talking about the hijacking and didn’t understand anything, but when she grew up she watched the documentary. She was very surprised after watching the documentary. Shivangi said ‘Oh my God’ came out of my mouth. I couldn’t imagine that two normal looking people could have endured so much.
Shivangi said I was surprised that my parents endured so much, faced such a dangerous thing, that’s why I decided I wanted to go into aviation. My parents’ journey inspired me to enter this industry. I thought I have to do something for my country.
Shivangi credits captain Devi Sharan as an inspiration
Shivangi said he was inspired by Captain Devisharan who was on the plane at the time. He handled this whole issue very well. The captain is responsible for the entire crew and passengers. He did it with great courage. Since then he thought that he should do something for his country.
Shivangi said that she made up her mind in 12th. He trained from Indira Gandhi National Flight Academy to face all such difficulties including hijacking. Now he is a pilot in Air India Express. He said that hijack safety norms were made after the tragedy that happened 25 years ago and the country learned a lesson.
No honeymoon memories left
Shivangi said the terrorists destroyed her parents’ honeymoon photos and other things. There is nothing left. Regarding the recently released series, he said that it could have been a very long film, but time is short in series. Everything should be contained in short form so not much is shown. For this reason many facts are left out.