BJP has prepared a special strategy for OBC leaders. Fadnavis accepted Rajya Sabha MP Pankaja Mundenna’s request to the central leadership. On the other hand, Eknath Khadsen met Amit Shah. An OBC delegation was included regarding reservation of Bhujbal. Know what are the strategies for empowerment of OBCs.
Eknath Khadsen met Amit Shah in Delhi, meaning that Nathbhai’s delegation will discuss the demands of Asel and OBC with the government over BJP entry in the coming days, Pankaja Mundensingh Chhagan Bhujbal is also there. The message is clear that the OBC leaders are supporting the BJP front. This is the beginning of the movement by the OBC leaders to strengthen the BJP.
In the recently held Lok Sabha elections, BJP and Mahayutila defeated the yellow factor in Marathwada. According to Lok Sabha results, out of 48 MPs, 26 are Marathas and 9 are OBCs. With assembly elections coming up in 6 months, BJP’s attempt to strengthen OBC leaders is to send a message to OBC voters that their DNA is OBC.
The Maratha Samajwadi government independently grants 10% reservation. It took about a month to bring the subject of sleep to the Jarangankadu government. At the same time, there will be no push for OBC reservation, the government says. The OBC delegation included Pankaja Munde, Chhagan Bhujbal, Dhananjay Munde, Gopichand Padalkar, Prakash Shendge or other OBC leaders.
BJP has emerged as a disciple of OBC leaders on the issue of reservation, its works are beginning to show. Hence Fadnavis’ request to the central leadership that Pankaja Mundena be given the post of Rajya Sabha MP after Bid’s defeat in the Lok Sabha is known. If this happens, Pankajan, who has been waiting since 2019, will get state rehabilitation.
After the Lok Sabha defeat, Pankaja Mundeni might have expressed an incoherent upset reaction, ‘Why am I a hero and how can anyone like me?’
After Udayanraj and Piyush Goyal won the Lok Sabha elections, 2 seats fell vacant in Maharashtra state assembly, so Pankaja Mundenchi can apply for one seat.
On the other hand, if Gayle is away from BJP, Eknath Khadsen may join BJP soon. Nathabhaunchi Sun Raksha Khadse is a BJP MP and has been given a ministerial post. Along with Raksha Khadsen, Eknath Khadsen also met Amit Shah.
Maharashtra is such a country… OBC is BJP’s vote bank, no one can be denied… The issue of Maratha and OBC reservation is a hot topic in Maharashtra.. Efforts have also been started to pave the way for Maratha reservation. Strengthen OBC leaders.