Amitabh Bachchan’s granddaughter and Shweta Bachchan’s daughter Navya Naveli Nanda is always in the news. Navya Naveli Nanda is also active on social media. Will Nanda make a Bollywood debut? This question is asked all the time. However, every time it was made clear by the Bachchan family that they will not work in new Bollywood films. Navya Naveli Nanda is also very active on social media. Navya has been seen making many big revelations through her show. Not only this, Navya also participated in grandfather Amitabh Bachchan’s show Banega Crorepati a few days ago.
Navya Naveli Nanda will soon employ around 1000 women. Yes, you heard it right, Newly will employ more than 1000 women. Interestingly, Naveen has not done a single film or advertisement till now. However, at the age of 26, she will employ 1000 women. People are seen making fun of Amitabh Bachchan’s relationship.
a new one Have been associated with NGO. With Samyak Chakravarty Foundation Together, Smart Fellowship has been started afresh. In this, women will be taught special skills. Through this, 1000 women They will be trained and given employment. Talking about this, Navya said that I have come to Lucknow after many years.
I am glad that I came to Lucknow with my project. I am definitely very excited to provide employment opportunities to women here. He further said that basically In today’s era, jobs are becoming available through technology.
The basic aim of our project is to unite women from villages and cities and provide them work according to their ability. Interestingly, women from different walks of life are a part of our project. Basically this is the need of the hour. Women are moving ahead in each of these fields. It is otherwise Today, the country’s president is a woman. The newcomer said that the trend of women in business and industry is also increasing.