A statement by BJP MLA Pannalal Shakya on the Madhya Pradesh crime is quickly going viral on social media. The MLA was addressing the students at the inaugural function of PM College and Excellence here. Speaking, the MLA said that degrees do not mean anything. Students should open a puncture shop. He mentioned Nalanda University. He said that there were 1200 students and 1200 teachers in it, but 12 people burned it and he kept watching.
He said that a college degree does not matter in life. But life gets easier if you open a motorcycle puncture repair shop. He called it a statement of wisdom and said students should tie it in a knot. The MLA was present as the chief guest in the program. He said that we should first try to save the five elements. Our body is made up of these five elements. Environment and water scarcity has emerged as a burning problem in the country. Everyone is bothered by pollution. State Energy Minister Pradyuman Singh Tomar was also present in the event.