These days a video from Katni’s GRP police station is going viral on social media, in which a woman TI is seen beating a grandmother and her grandson badly with a stick. After the video went viral, the victim came in front of the media and told about her ordeal. The woman said that we were beaten a lot in the police station. When we asked for water, the police kicked us in the face. Now this matter has gained momentum. GRP woman TI Aruna Vahne and five policemen have been sent to the line.
Ever since the video of a grandmother and grandson being brutally beaten inside the GRP police station went viral, there has been a stir. Political heat is going on regarding this video. Regarding the viral video, the Madhya Pradesh Police tweeted that the matter is from GRP Police Station Katni. Also, this video of the fight is from October 2023. As soon as the viral video came to notice, Station In-charge Aruna Vahne has been attached to GRP Police Line, Jabalpur.
The victim, an elderly woman, narrated her ordeal
After the video went viral, a video of the victim’s elderly woman has surfaced, in which she is narrating her ordeal. The woman said that the police took her away after saying that the police chief had called her to the police station. On reaching the police station, the police started asking the woman about her son, to which the woman replied that wherever my son is, you can catch him, beat him, do anything, we have nothing to do with him.
Woman kicked in the face for asking for water
Hearing this, the woman TI Aruna Vahne angrily locked the door of the police station, after which she started beating the grandmother and grandson with a stick inside the police station. Both were beaten so badly that when they fell unconscious on the ground, they were picked up and beaten. At the same time, when the victim woman asked for drinking water, the police hit her on the face and said that she will die, to which the victim replied that I should kill her.
After the beating, the woman was hospitalized for 5 days
The woman said that her grandson was also with her, whom she took somewhere else to kill. When the woman was asked about the assault complaint, the woman said that she had complained about the incident. At the same time, a young man said that he had applied in the DM office. The woman further said that after this beating, she was admitted to the civil hospital for five days, but no one was heard from there, after which both of them left, but now the police department is acting on viral basis. The video has linked six GRP personnel.