Yashaswini Samman Sohala 2024 award distribution ceremony was held at Balgandharva Rangmandir in Pune. On this occasion, Nationalist Party President Sharad Chandra Pawar attended the program. On this occasion, a review book titled Three Decades of Women’s Policies Implemented by Sharad Pawar in Maharashtra was also released. The program was organized by Yashwantrao Chavan Center MP Supriya Sule. On this occasion, Sharad Pawar has refreshed old memories. Sharad Pawar has refreshed memories related to mother Shardabai Pawar.
Bring back old memories
I was educated in a small village. We are seven brothers and four sisters, the most learned person in our house is my eldest brother… He studied till 5th standard in the village and after that came to Pune for studies. Mother used to give the box in the morning and the box used to come by ST at seven in the morning. I used to go to Swargate and bring a box and then we used to have food. Sharad Pawar said, those were the days.
Mother used to come to college to see whether we were studying or not. Mother taught all of us to go there and ask the professors whether they were studying this. The power of responsibility is not only of men. Opportunity is needed. When given the opportunity, Shriya also shows hard work. Sharad Pawar said, this has been proved today.
Whatever I did was because of my mother – Sharad Pawar
In my family, it was my mother who opened the doors of education for all of us brothers and sisters…. Out of our seven brothers, three have received Padma Shri, Padma Vibhushan award. Appasaheb Pawar and Prataprao Pawar have received Padma Shri award. That is why I got Padma Vibhushan award. When we three got these awards, I was not in power. Sharad Pawar said that we could reach this award because our mother is behind it.
Reservation for women and giving opportunities to women in the Army, Air Force and Navy are two decisions taken by me which will always remain in my memory. After the entry of girls in the Air Force, the number of accidents in the Air Force has reduced. Women should get a chance in the Vidhan Sabha and Lok Sabha. This is needed today. Sharad Pawar expressed the opinion that this will remove the misery of the parliamentary system.