Manoj Jarang Patil has demanded to give Saraskat reservation. Jarange Patil’s demand has been dismissed by National OBC Federation leader Babnarao Taywade. The government cannot accept the demand for reservation in Jarangechi Saraskat. We are talking to the government repeatedly. So the government will not support any such demand. Babnarao Tayavade said that my demand for new Saraskat reservation continues even today.
When the Kuthal movement starts, the people of the society get emotional. But let us stand with our leaders without restraint, otherwise the society will suffer, otherwise I will appeal to the society, said Babnarao Tayavade.
Power Checker
Manoj Jarang Patil has announced to contest on 288 assembly seats. He commented on that. I will welcome you there. He was asked to contest on 288 assembly seats and he contested. He tested their strength. The picture will be clear after the election. They will see how much power they have. People will even start bragging about how much fame they will get by accepting it. Babanrao Tayavade clarified that public support in the social sector and support in the state sector are two different things.
They show their strength in elections by talking about socialist, they use the language of elections, they use the language of politicians, only for the benefit of society, when people become students, when people use the language of politics, it happens. Not seeing students gather to protest, is it real or any difference, he said the same.
We do not make political comments
Laxman Haque has launched a campaign to ensure uninterrupted reservation for OBCs. He commented on it. We have the right to protest. There is freedom. I am fulfilling my aspirations through National OBC Federation. I have been protesting since 2016. Asante said that so far 48 government decisions have been taken by the government, our organization is not official, we do not make official comments.
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People born by the movement are being put to death. He commented on it. People have to think about this. Whatever we do, I make sure that it does not create hatred in the society. The Constitution has given rights, but the petitioner should be careful that there is no consequence except to make demands, otherwise he said.
The limit has been increased by 50 percent
The Patna court has quashed the Bihar government’s decision to increase the reservation limit by 50 percent in Bihar. He commented on that. Until the 50 per cent limit is raised, efforts for reservation will not be sustained. Congress had said that we will cancel the 50 percent limit as soon as we come to power. To provide universal justice, he demanded that the BJP revoke all 50 Takyachis and conduct a caste-free census.