State Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Ajit Pawar presented the supplementary budget today. In the budget presented by Ajit Pawar, it has been proposed to increase the existing tax on diesel from 24 percent to 21 percent in the metropolitan areas of Brihanmumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai, which aims to equalize the value added tax on petrol and diesel across the state. Also, it has been proposed to increase the existing tax on petrol of 26 percent plus Rs 5 twelve paise per liter to 25 percent plus Rs 5 twelve paise per liter. This will reduce the price of petrol by about 65 paise and diesel by about Rs 2 7 paise per liter in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane Municipal Corporation areas of Maharashtra and provide relief to the citizens. Meanwhile, “The revised tax estimate of the state for the financial year 2024-2025 is Rs 3,26,397 crore. The budget target of revenue for this financial year has been fixed at Rs 3,43,040 crore. A provision has been made to make the value added tax on petrol and diesel uniform across the state to provide relief to the common citizens as well as industrial centres”, Ajit Pawar said.
Maharashtra Budget 2024: Petrol and diesel will be cheaper in ‘this’ city, what did Ajit Dada announce?
By Ritul Pandey
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