Prem Bhushan Maharaj narrating the Ram Katha and Transport Minister Dayashankar Singh and Rajesh Singh Dayalu performing aarti to Vyas Peeth.
On the occasion of Tulsi Jayanti, a 10-day spiritual discourse and Ramkatha by renowned spiritual guru Prem Bhushan Ji Maharaj has begun at Dayal Bagh, Lucknow. On the first day, Prem Bhushanji Maharaj emphasized the importance of devotion, faith and selfless service by giving examples from Lord Rama’s life. He explained how Rama’s journey is a metaphor for the human search for truth, justice and righteousness. Ramkatha will run till 18th August.
Renowned spiritual guru Prem Bhushan Ji Maharaj started the Ram Katha by chanting holy mantras. Prem Bhushan Ji Maharaj begins to narrate the epic story of Lord Rama beginning with the birth of Prince Rama in Ayodhya. He elaborated on the significance of Rama’s birth and how it symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Maharaj’s story mesmerized the audience, including devotional songs and philosophical insights.
The 10-day Ram Katha will be organized at Dayal Bagh and will start at 4 pm every day. Transport Minister Dayashankar Singh was present at the inauguration ceremony of Ram Katha. Meanwhile, the chief organizer of the program, Rajesh Singh Dayal, said that in today’s world where adharma (immorality) is rampant, it is necessary to plant the seeds of our culture and spirituality to bring about positive change, the purpose of this Ram Katha is only this.
Chief organizer Rajesh Singh Dayal said, “Sri Ram’s character serves as an eternal inspiration for the youth, reminding us to adopt these values in our lives, by adopting these lessons one can face challenges like young Sri Ram and live life with courage, intelligence and integrity.” . Earlier, Rajesh Singh hosted lectures by spiritual gurus like Avadheshananda Giriji Maharaj and Brahma Kumari, Shiva’s sister.