Asia’s richest businessman Mukesh Ambani is constantly in the news for some reason or the other. His younger son Anant and Radhika Merchant are getting married next month and this is the talk of the town right now. So his beloved daughter Isha Ambani-Piramal, director of Reliance Retail Ventures Limited, has also come into the limelight. Isha has finally broken her silence on the discussions going on about IVF. Isha recently told in an interview that her twins were born through IVF. Not only this, Isha’s mother Nita Ambani also became a mother through IVF technology, Isha also mentioned this. Let’s know what Mukesh Ambani’s daughter said.
In an interview given to a leading magazine, Isha Ambani told that she became a mother through IVF technology. Isha also said that there is nothing to hide in this. Her mother Nita Ambani also became a mother through this technique. At that time both Isha Ambani and her twin brother Akash were born.
It is a very difficult process
Isha said, I have no shame in saying that I conceived through IVF and gave birth to twins. This is very common. Am I right? There is nothing to hide or be ashamed of. It is a very difficult process. Isha told, when you use this technique to conceive through IVF, it makes you go through a lot of physical fatigue.
Some people have many misconceptions about IVF. Children born using this technique are looked at differently. If modern technology has come to this world for children, then why not adopt it? Isha asked this question. This is curiosity. Isha reiterated that there is definitely nothing to hide.
Talking about Isha Ambani’s personal life, she married industrialist Anand Piramal on 12 December 2018. Both of them live in a luxurious house in Worli, Mumbai. Both have twins, a boy and a girl. Isha, who became a mother on 19 November 2022, has children named Krishna and Aadya.
Nita Ambani also gave birth to twins
Asia’s richest businessman Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani have three children. Nita became a mother for the first time on 23 October 1991 when she gave birth to twins. Akash and Isha are both twins. A few years later, Anant Ambani was born.