CPI(M) MLA M. Rape and sexual harassment cases have been registered against several big names in Malayalam films, including Mukesh and actor Jayasuriya. After this, the ruling alliance has demanded that Mukesh resign from the assembly membership. Communist Party of India (CPI) leader Annie Raja has also boycotted Mukesh’s continuation as an MLA and appealed to the MLA to step down.
An actress accused Mukesh of sexual harassment many years ago. Separate cases of sexual harassment have also been registered against popular Malayalam actors Jayasuriya and Maniyanpilla Raju. These matters have been revealed in the Hema Committee report.
The victim made allegations
“I am writing to report incidents of physical and verbal abuse against me by Mukesh, Manianpilla Raju, Idavila Babu, Jayasuriya, Chandrasekharan, production controller Noble and Vichu in the Malayalam film industry,” the actress, who was sexually harassed, wrote in a post on Facebook. I am writing a post. I was physically and verbally harassed by these persons while working on a project in 2013. I tried to cooperate and continue working, but the abuse became unbearable.
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No right to be MLA
An FIR was registered against Mukesh at Maradu police station in Kochi on Wednesday night under Section 376 of the Indian Penal Code. Police said the case has been registered under the Indian Penal Code as the incident took place before the implementation of the Indian Penal Code. Senior CPI(M) leader and former minister K. Shailja said that if it is proved that the MLA of the party M. If the allegations against Mukesh are true, he has no right to continue as MLA.
Shailja said that the SIT investigation is underway keeping in view the report of the Justice Hema Committee. He said that after the SIT submits its report, the government will take appropriate action in the matter. Shailja said, if he has committed any crime, he does not deserve to continue in his post. But right now we are in the early stages of the investigation and we cannot say whether he should resign or not.