Barabanki also has name plates on shops
After Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath ordered all shops along the route of Kanwar Yatra in UP to put up nameplates, politics has also heated up on this issue. But now even in Barabanki’s Lodheshwar Mahadev, shopkeepers have voluntarily installed name plates in front of their shops. However, the shopkeepers say that they have put up the name plate in front of the shop with mutual consent. Customers come here from far and wide. Kanvariyas keep coming even in the month of Sawan and there is no discrimination here. While the Kanwariyas say that name or religion does not matter to them.
Thousands of Kanwariyas also reach the Lodheshwar Mahadev temple in Barabanki in the month of Shavan and perform Jalabhisheka of Lord Bholenath. Lakhs of devotees throng the temple on Monday in Sawan to perform the Jalabhisheka of Shri Lodheshwar Mahadev of Barabanki, for which the district administration has made elaborate security arrangements. In view of which the local shopkeepers of Lodheshwar Mahadev have installed a nameplate in front of the shop with mutual consent.
Shopkeepers are installing name plates as per their wish
Among these, some of the shopkeepers had written their names in front of the shop, while some people have only written their names. However, local shopkeepers said that even after putting up the name plates, there is no difference in business and everyone comes to shop. Meanwhile, Kanwariya Deepu, who is going from Kanpur for the Jalabhishek of Lodheshwar Mahadev, said that he is going to Kawad from Kanpur to Lodheshwar Mahadev for the Jalabhishek of Lord Bholenath.
‘We don’t see Hindu-Muslim’
While coming from Kanpur they halted at various places and had food on the way. On the way he sees only cleanliness at the food stalls. According to Deepu, it doesn’t matter to him whether the shop is Hindu or Muslim. He asks the shopkeeper whether he makes only vegetarian food or not. If it is a vegetarian hotel, they take food only by looking at cleanliness. Whether the owner of the hotel is a Hindu or a Muslim, it does not matter to them, because if they see this, they might be hungry on the way, so they only take care of cleanliness and eat food.