After the Lok Sabha elections, it has become clear that the BJP-led NDA government will come to power in the country and Narendra Modi will be sworn in as the Prime Minister for the third time in a row. Or the NDA gets a majority in the elections and actually lags behind the BJP and cannot win power on its own. In the background of this, Shiv Sena Ubath Gattach leader and MP Sanjay Raut has commented. Sanjay Raut has hinted that NDA’s claim to power is the only way to run the government and it will be difficult for Narendra Modi to run the government. Where is the NDA? Chandrababu and Nitish Kumar mean NDA? Hey, everyone gets checked twice. Today we are with you and will come tomorrow,” Raut said.
Agniveer Yojana has been opposed even before the formation of the government, so we will not be able to oppose any other scheme. Chandrababu Naidu is in favor of reservation for Muslims. What will Modi do? Many issues are under discussion. Let them form the government they want. But Modi and BJP do not have majority. Modi says I will make India Congress free. Only we all together have freed the majority of the BJP, said Raut.
What did Raut say about Kanganala Kanakhli Marianchya Mudyavar?
A CISF woman constable slapped BJP MP and actress Kangana Ranautla at the Chandigarh airport on Thursday. After the incident, the woman constable concerned has been suspended and an FIR has been registered against her, the official said. Or has Raut, who is in charge of the issue, reacted. “The constable took the law into his own hands for his arrival. A mere Kshadwar does not deserve to be brought up like this,” said Asant.
I sympathize with Kangana. He is also an MP and an MP should not raise his hand like this. In this country only farmers need to be respected, then no sons or daughters of farmers are born. Asha Raut said that there is still so much anger in people’s minds, we should understand it.
Think about defeat
We will think about the reasons behind our defeat. So BJP will take action. The Bharatiya Janata Party will reflect on its defeat in Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. I went to do some work in the state and what happened? This will be considered. Yes, this is their bias, said Sanjay Raut.