Nilesh Lanke on Sujay Vikhe Patil: MP Nilesh Lanke has taken oath of office in English language. Nilesh Lanke has made oath taking in English a hot topic in state politics. MP Nilesh Lanke has commented on all this. Read more…
Nilesh Lanka, Sujay Vikhe PatilImage Credit Source: Facebook
The swearing-in ceremony of the members of the 18th Parliament was held today. On this occasion, many people took oath in their mother tongue. Many MPs from Maharashtra took oath in Marathi. However, Ahmednagar South Lok Sabha constituency MP Nilesh Lanka took oath in English language. The incident of Nilesh Lanka taking oath in English has become a topic of discussion in the state politics. It is being discussed that Nilesh Lanka took oath in English in response to Sujay Vikhe Patil’s challenge. MP Nilesh Lanka himself has answered this.