Actress Sonakshi Sinha married boyfriend Zaheer Iqbal on Sunday in an apartment in Bandra, Mumbai. Zaheer and Sonakshi organized a grand reception at Dadar’s Bastian after the court marriage. Sonakshi is also facing trolling due to her inter-religious marriage with Zaheer. Finally, Sonakshi-Zaheer have expressed their feelings by posting wedding pictures. Now not only celebrities but fans are also wishing both of them for their new life.
currently on social media Sonakshi – Zaheer At the same time, their wedding photos are going viral. The actress’s father and veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha has reacted. How does one feel after a girl’s marriage? Such a question was asked to Shatrughan.
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On this question, Shatrughan Sinha said, ‘Is this something to ask? Every father waits for these moments. When the girl wants to hand over her chosen boy to him. May their relationship remain intact. Let us tell you, 44 years ago Shatrughan Sinha married a talented girl Poonam Sinha. Now even Sonakshi has married the man of her choice. Shatrughan Sinha also said this.
Sonakshi-Zaheer have posted wedding pictures on social media. At present, the wedding pictures of both are going viral everywhere. While clicking the wedding pictures, the actress has also written an attractive caption. Today is a special day… Seven years ago on this day we fell in love with each other. Love is a beautiful feeling and that’s when I decided to stay with you for the rest of my life…’
This love has faced many challenges. Today we both are in this moment… With the best wishes of both our families and the blessings of both the Gods, the journey has reached marriage. We have become husband and wife… Sonakshi- Zaheer- 23.06.2024′ The actress has expressed this through the caption.
Let us tell you, Sonakshi-Zaheer have been together for the last 7 years. Finally, both of them gave the name of husband-wife to their boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. Sonakshi-Zaheer got married on 23 June 2024. Zaheer-Sonakshi have been together since 23 June 2017.