“During the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Smita Wagh’s ticket was rejected by me. At that time I did not have the slightest doubt about the victory. Smita Wagh’s ticket was cut on my request”, admitted Minister Girish Mahajan. Minister Girish Mahajan has admitted this in his speech at the Jalgaon BJP review meeting. On this occasion, Minister Girish Mahajan targeted former MP Unmesh Patil, who joined the Thackeray faction from BJP. “Those who got the ticket were elected with a margin of about five lakh votes. But this time he did not get the nomination, so he went to another party and made his friend a scapegoat. Many people were saying what happened. But many people lost their lives in this election”, criticized Girish Mahajan.
“Even if Minister Girish Mahajan leaves the party tomorrow, it will not make any difference. We are big and dependent on the party. After leaving the BJP party, everyone has seen where everyone’s place is. How are you sitting now? Everyone has seen what happened to those who say I am. But I do not want to spoil my face by talking about them”, Minister Girish Mahajan said without naming him and strongly criticized MLA Eknath Khadse. “I have no doubt in my mind that this time we will win all the assembly seats of Jalgaon district with a huge margin. Last time we lost two seats. Because it was an attack on our own house. That’s why this happened”, Girish Mahajan said, targeting Khadse.
‘Troublemakers don’t say it for nothing’
Girish Mahajan said, “Working without caring about God is a Khatron Ke Khiladi.” Minister Girish Mahajan said, “Irshalwadi, has experienced many incidents.” If we work in this way only then people will appreciate us and say that we should lead. That is why people do not call us rowdy,” Minister Girish Mahajan explained the definition behind calling himself a rowdy.
The story of Mahajan’s first assembly election
“This was my first assembly election and Sharad Pawar’s right hand man Ishwarlal Jain was standing against me. At that time Pramod Mahajan asked me to contest the election. I told him that I am not fighting. But he said that you have to fight and you will win. I told him, I don’t have five thousand rupees in my pocket. How to contest the election? At that time Pramod Mahajan told me that you should do something. Collect donations… beg… At that time five and a half lakh rupees were collected as donation. I contested the election and in the first election I was elected by 14 thousand votes. From then till today he has not looked back”, in these words Minister Girish Mahajan told the story of his first assembly election.