A case of molestation of a minor girl has come to light in Uttar Pradesh’s Barabanki district. It is being told that the girl went to buy goods in a shop near her house late last Saturday evening. Seeing the girl alone on the road, a local boy molested her. The incident of molestation was caught in the CCTV camera installed in the person’s house. The girl reached home and told her family about the incident. After this, the family complained about the whole matter to the local police station.
The family alleged that the police did not take any action for 18 hours. After the CCTV footage went viral, higher authorities took note of the incident and registered a case and arrested the accused youth. Enraged, the police issued a notice threatening action against the person who provided the CCTV footage of the incident. Due to the negligent working style of the police, there is anger among the local people.
12-year-old girl molested
The case is from Fatehpur city in the district. On Saturday evening, a 12-year-old girl went to a grocery store a short distance from home to buy goods. The girl was returning home with the goods from the shop. Meanwhile, a youth named Anurag from the same area molested the minor girl on seeing her alone. This act of the youth was caught in the CCTV camera installed in a nearby house. Terrified by the incident, the minor girl reached home. The minor narrated his ordeal to his family members. The family members immediately reached the Fatehpur town outpost and filed a written complaint with the police and demanded action against the youth, Anurag.
The incident was caught on CCTV camera
The girl’s family alleges that when they informed the police about the entire incident while making a complaint, the in-charge of the post called the incident fake and did not take any action against the youth Anurag. The family members who were upset with the lack of action here took video footage from the CCTV camera installed at the person’s house, after which the family went viral on social media and demanded action. After coming to the attention of the media, higher officials took information about the matter.
An FIR was registered on the orders of the CO
Fatehpur CO Dr Binu Singh reprimanded the police station and immediately registered a case and ordered the arrest of the accused. Following the order of the CO, the police station registered a case under relevant sections for molestation of a minor and arrested the youth, Anurag. At the same time, outpost in-charge Hariprasad Yadav, who was upset after the CCTV footage went viral, issued a notice to the person who gave the CCTV footage and threatened action. A constable from the post came to the house and gave me a notice to provide the CCTV video, the person said. The police talked about taking action against me.
ASP gave information about this
In this matter, Additional Superintendent of Police Chiranjeev Nath Sinha said that a resident of Fatehpur has given a complaint to the local police that his daughter has been molested by a youth from the same city. In this case, the police immediately registered a case under the relevant sections and arrested the accused youth. The Additional Superintendent of Police said that the accused youth will be produced in the court in the morning and all efforts will be made to give justice to the victim by taking the case to a fast track court.