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Hathras stampede: Uproar at Bhole Baba’s gathering, who is responsible, these 5 questions raised

Nita Yadav

By Nita Yadav

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Bhole Baba’s auspicious meeting and stampede in Hathras

An uproar has erupted after the death of more than a hundred people following a stampede at Swayambhu Sant Bhole Baba’s gathering in Phulrai, Hathras. The police have also started an investigation in this matter. Police are trying to find out why and how the accident happened. Along with this, the police is also trying to find out who is responsible for this accident. Regarding this entire incident, the police is investigating mainly on the basis of 5 big questions. However, the police itself is also in the thick of the question. The big question is that despite such a big event, the police could not estimate the crowd that would gather here.

It is being told that the organizers had already informed the police about the meeting. After this information, the police were also deployed on duty during the incident, but the policemen were standing away at the time of the accident. It is being said that the police did not expect such a huge crowd. The organizers also told the police about the gathering of 5 to 10 thousand people. Because of this, the police sent a PCR to the spot, however, on receiving information about the stampede, a large number of police forces reached the spot.

What was the crowd control system?

Another question about the incident is about the crowd control measures. It is being said that the pandal was built in around 200 bighas, but only three-four roads were provided for the followers to enter and exit the pandal. One of these paths was spontaneously reserved for Sant Bhole Baba. Besides, instead of appointing a security guard, a sevadar was deployed for the responsibility of crowd control in the event. It is being said that after the sermon, when Bhole Baba’s caravan started leaving, the servants standing at the gate of the pandal also moved away. It is being said that all the servants left the crowd and started making way for the caravan. Meanwhile the crowd got out of control and the accident happened.

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Did DM give permission for this event?

The third question regarding Bhole Baba’s satsang is whether permission was taken from the DM for this event? If not, why did the administration not prevent this incident from happening? It is being said that the organizers had informed the police and the administration, but permission was not officially sought. Regarding fire safety also, NOC was not taken from fire department and health department for this incident. The police had also underestimated the estimated number of crowds coming here.

What were the emergency preparations?

The fourth question regarding this incident is what was the emergency system in spite of such a huge crowd. According to people present at the scene, there was not a single ambulance at the scene during the incident. Even after the stampede, it was with great difficulty that vehicles could be arranged to take the injured to the hospital. Some people were taken to hospital in police vehicles. Later, the CMO dispatched all government and private ambulances deployed in the district to the spot. After this all the injured and dead were taken to the hospital.

Where did such a crowd come from?

The fifth and most important question regarding this event is where did such a crowd come from and what class of followers did they come to this gathering and who invited them. However, it is being said that usually Bhole Baba’s gatherings are attended by so many people. It is being said that all these people go with Bhole Baba and their accommodation and food are arranged by the organizers in the pandals set up at the place.

Nita Yadav

Nita Yadav

I am Nita Yadav, specializing in writing about politics and breaking national news. My focus is on delivering insightful and timely perspectives on these crucial topics, aiming to inform and engage my readers effectively.

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