Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya has been in the headlines for the last few days due to his personal life. It is being said that Hardik Pandya and his wife Natasha Stankovic may get divorced soon. It is said that the dispute between them had reached its peak. Hardik Pandya’s wife Natasha Stankovic is very active on social media. Natasha Stankovic is seen sharing special pictures and videos for her fans. Natasha Stankovic has also worked in Bollywood films. Natasha Stankovic has a huge fan following on social media.
Before dating Hardik Pandya, Natasha Stankovic was in a relationship with a famous TV actor. Ali Goni He was in a relationship with Natasha in 2014. After this, their relationship could not last long. After this, both of them separated. Ali Goni had said at that time that there is a big difference of opinion between the two.
Not only that, but both Culture and religion are also different. Due to this, there was a distance between the two. That is why we decided to separate. After breaking up with Ali Goni, Natasha Stankovic dated and married Hardik Pandya. Hardik and Natasha first got married in court.
Ali Goni has been dating actress Jasmin Bhasin since his breakup with Natasha Stankovic. Interestingly, both were good friends and then it turned into love. Ali Goni arrived to support Jasmin in Bigg Boss 14. People liked the pairing of Ali Goni and Jasmin this time too.
Ali Goni and Jasmine Bhasin are going to get married soon. However, after this Jasmine Bhasin made a big revelation. Jasmine Bhasin told that Ali and I have no plans to get married right now. There is still a lot to do in life. Ali or I did not come to Mumbai to get married, but we came to Mumbai with a dream. When we feel that those dreams will be fulfilled, we will get married.